No names, David Huff, Gordon Strickland, Edward Michaels, Ed Hughes, Jim Burnette, Bob Brazier, Chris Martin, Reade Baxley, Dave Whittaker, Guy Osborne, Jack Stankiewicz, Ken Smith, Steve Johnson, James McMillan, Jim Sites, Joe Agusiewicz, Jay Seay, Lewis Cameron, Don Denison, Bob Fasinski, Hank Thorndike, Jack Dettweyler, George Conover, Arthur Charland, Dave Lauretti, Terry Coakley, Tom King, Roman Heckleman, Dwight Durham, Mike Morgan, Chris Rhodes, John Page



What payment methods is best?

The Foundation prefers donors to use a bill pay option. PayPal charges a 2.2% charitable rate per transaction.

I'm already contributing monthly, can I increase my contribution amount?

Yes it is easy to edit the amount in your bill pay tools or PayPal.

Can I make a single annual contribution?

Yes, please click on this link for information on how to make a one time gift.

Can I cancel my monthly contribution?

Yes, you can cancel your monthly contribution. Before you do, please contact us so we can understand why. To contact us please

click on this link.